Trans Man Surgery

ART Surgical and Dr. Angela Rodriguez provide trans man surgery in San Francisco, California, and across the United States. She works closely with each patient to understand their goals for physical transformation. She provides personalized care and support throughout the process.

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Trans Man Surgery
ART Surgical and Dr. Angela Rodriguez provide trans man surgery in San Francisco, California, and across the United States. She works closely with each patient to understand their goals for physical transformation. She provides personalized care and support throughout the process.
Joyful person with glasses, wearing a polo shirt and holding a yellow mug, exemplifying the positive outcome and satisfaction individuals may feel after trans man surgery, as part of the section explaining procedures on the ART Surgical website.

What is Trans Man Surgery?

Trans man surgery options include various procedures that help align an individual's physical characteristics with their gender identity. These surgeries typically include chest masculinization, or top surgery, which removes breast tissue and reshapes the chest to create a more masculine appearance. Another procedure is genital reconstruction, such as metoidioplasty or phalloplasty, which involves creating a penis.

Trans man surgery options are for individuals assigned female at birth who identify as male and experience gender dysphoria related to their physical characteristics. These procedures are often pursued as part of a complete approach to transitioning. They can greatly benefit individuals by providing psychological and emotional relief as they outwardly express their true gender identity.

Surgery Options for Transgender Men

Surgery options for a transgender man typically include chest, facial, and body masculinization. Deciding which procedures are best for you means thinking about what you hope to achieve, personal preferences, and medical considerations. It's important to talk with qualified healthcare providers who know about transgender healthcare. They can help explain which procedures might be best for your care. Additionally, addressing gender dysphoria may involve a combination of medical check-ups, therapy, and support from loved ones and the transgender community. It's essential for individuals to prioritize self-care and seek out resources and support to navigate their journey toward gender affirmation.

Close-up of a healthcare professional in a white coat holding a patient's hands, offering comfort and assurance before surgery, representing the caring support provided during transgender masculinization procedures, as described on the ART Surgical website.

Top Surgery:

Top surgery, or chest masculinization, involves the removal of breast tissue and reshaping the chest to create a flatter, more masculine shape. The specific technique used depends on multiple factors. These could be the amount of breast tissue and desired outcome. This surgery can greatly eliminate feelings of dysphoria.

Facial Masculinization:

Facial Masculinization is a set of surgical procedures that create a more masculine appearance. These procedures may include jaw contouring, cheek augmentation, chin augmentation and Adam's apple enhancement. Jaw contouring involves reshaping the jawline to be broader and more angular, while cheek and chin augmentation add definition to these areas. Adam's apple enhancement is the insertion of an implant to create a more prominent thyroid cartilage. Facial masculinization is often an essential part of the gender-affirming process for a transgender man.

Body Masculinization:

Body masculinization includes procedures that help align an individual's physical appearance with their male gender identity. These procedures may include liposuction to remove excess fat in feminine areas like the hips and thighs. Pectoral implants are another option to enhance chest muscle definition and abdominal etching creates a more muscular abdomen. Additionally, procedures like gluteal augmentation can add volume for a more masculine shape.

Contemplative individual sitting with chin resting on hands, dressed in casual attire, portraying a moment of reflection that could symbolize the thoughtful consideration involved in the journey before and after trans male surgery, as highlighted on the ART Surgical website.

Before and After Surgery for Transgender Males

Before any type of trans male surgery, you can expect to have a detailed consult with your doctor. At this time, you will discuss goals, medical history and surgical options. This process may also involve therapy to help with your mental health. Additionally, individuals may need to undergo hormone therapy or stop certain medications before surgery to minimize risks.

After surgery, there will be a period of recovery. It's important to follow your surgeon's post-operative instructions carefully. This often includes wearing compression garments, avoiding strenuous activities and attending follow-up appointments. Swelling, bruising and discomfort are common in the days and weeks following surgery. These symptoms typically improve over time.

It's essential for you to have realistic expectations about the results and be patient with the healing process. Ongoing support from doctors, loved ones, and the transgender community is invaluable during this time of transition.

Patient Stories

Dr. Rodriguez and the ART Surgical team believe in the power of gender-affirming, compassionate care. They recognize that each patient is unique and requires individualized care through their transition. Listen as our patients share the meaningful impact of our services in their own words.

See All Patient Stories
A vibrant and diverse group of individuals laughing together, embodying the sense of community and joy that ART Surgical aims to support through their patient-focused gender-affirming services and personal transformation stories.

To learn more about trans man surgery and how Dr. Angela Rodriguez and her team will guide you through the process, book a one-on-one consultation.

Trans Men Procedures FAQs


What is a mastectomy in the context of female to male transition?

A mastectomy is a surgical procedure that removes breast tissue to create a more masculine chest appearance for individuals transitioning from female to male.

What are the different types of mastectomy procedures available for female to male chest reconstruction?

Common types of mastectomy procedures for female to male chest reconstruction include double incision mastectomy, periareolar mastectomy, and keyhole mastectomy. The choice of procedure depends on individual factors, such as breast size and skin elasticity.

How long does it take to recover from female to male mastectomy surgery?

The recovery time for female to male mastectomy surgery varies, but most individuals can expect several weeks of healing. Your surgeon will provide specific postoperative care instructions to ensure a smooth recovery.

Body Masculinization (BMS)

What does body masculinization surgery entail?

Body masculinization surgery refers to a combination of surgical procedures aimed at enhancing masculine features and proportions. It may include procedures such as liposuction, pectoral implant placement, abdominal etching, and other body contouring techniques.

What are the common body masculinization procedures for female to male transition?

Common body masculinization procedures for female to male transition include chest reconstruction (mastectomy), pectoral implants, abdominal etching, and liposuction in specific areas to create a more masculine physique.

Facial Masculinization

What is facial masculinization surgery (FMS)?

Facial masculinization surgery (FMS) is a set of surgical procedures aimed at creating a more masculine appearance for individuals transitioning from female to male. It may include procedures such as forehead contouring, rhinoplasty, jaw augmentation, and chin reshaping, among others.

Are there any non-surgical options for facial masculinization?

Non-surgical options for facial masculinization include the use of dermal fillers to enhance specific masculine features, such as the jawline or chin. However, these options provide temporary results and may not achieve the same level of transformation as surgical procedures.

Can I get pregnant after female to male transition?

Transitioning from female to male typically involves procedures like hysterectomy, which removes the uterus. As a result, pregnancy is not possible after these surgeries. It’s essential to discuss fertility preservation options with your healthcare provider before undergoing any irreversible procedures.

What are the options for male genital reconstruction surgery (phalloplasty or metoidioplasty)?

Male genital reconstruction surgery options include phalloplasty, which constructs a neopenis using donor tissue, or metoidioplasty, which involves releasing the hormone-enhanced clitoris to resemble a small penis. The choice depends on individual preferences and factors such as desired size and functionality.

Can female to male surgery provide complete male sexual function?

While female to male surgeries aim to create male genitalia, it’s important to understand that the level of sexual function and sensation varies among individuals. Surgeons work to optimize functional outcomes, but results can vary based on individual factors.